主演:西爾維斯特·史泰龍 阿諾·施瓦辛格 昆汀·塔倫蒂諾 詹妮弗·弗拉文 約翰·赫茲菲爾德 Wesley Morris 弗蘭克·史泰龍 塞奇·史泰龍 斯嘉麗·史泰龍 希斯蒂妮·史泰龍 蘇菲亞·史泰龍 亨利·溫克勒
類型:紀錄片地區:美國年份:2023-11-07 01:13:44
簡介:The nearly 50 years prolific carrier of Sylvester Stallone, who has entertained millions, is seen in retrospective in an intimate look of the actor, writer, director-producer, para
The nearly 50 years prolific carrier of Sylvester Stallone, who has entertained millions, is seen in retrospective in an intimate look of the actor, writer, director-producer, paralleling with his inspirational life story