主演:布魯斯·斯賓斯 Wandjuk Marika Roy Marika
簡介:The geologist Lance Hackett is employed by an Australian mining company to map the subsoil of a desert area covered with ant hills prior to a possible uranium extraction. His work
The geologist Lance Hackett is employed by an Australian mining company to map the subsoil of a desert area covered with ant hills prior to a possible uranium extraction. His work is impeded by some aborigines who explain that this is the place where the green ants dream. Disturbing their dreaming will destroy humanity they claim... 電影講述某礦業公司在澳大利亞內陸沙地采礦,在一次堪探過程中被當地土著用靜坐方式阻止。土著說,腳下是綠螞蟻做夢的地方,如果吵醒了它們,它們就會出來毀滅人類。采礦公司當然如聽天書,然而土著視死如歸的信仰力量不可小視,于是公司高層邀請土著代表進城談判,許諾給土著利益,結果土著代表喜歡上了一架綠色的小型運輸機。于是公司買下飛機,并替土著修建了一條飛機跑道。飛機飛來了,為防止被土著點火引燃,汽油被抽走,只留了一點。飛機只是公司示好的禮物,官司還是訴至聯邦法院。在法庭上雖然法官能夠尊重土著的文化,聽取他們講述的傳說,然而裁判依據是英聯邦法律,土著被判敗訴。沉默的土著坐在跑道邊,其中兩個土著人坐上飛機,竟然起動飛機,飛翔而后消失在地平線。警察來尋找,難以找到,有兩個異邦土著來訪,以歌為話,說一只綠螞蟻飛到他們那里,結果翅膀斷了。公司地質學家Lance Hackett在整個事件過程中心態發生變化,最后決定離開公司,在沙漠里成為一個環保主義者。電影至此結束?!?/div>